Title: the old lie Author: spatz Characters: John Reese Rating: PG Word Count: 371 Warnings: aftermath of torture Summary: "Your country needs you, Sergeant," the man tells John, standing over his hospital bed.
Title: The Prepared Mind Author: spatz Pairing/Characters: Finch/Reese Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harold hadn't planned for this to happen, exactly. Warnings: none Word Count: 1623
Title: Candid Author: spatz and inmyriadbits Pairing/Characters: Finch/Reese Rating: G Summary: He picks up the phone: one picture message, from 'Reese'. Warnings: none (mild invasion of privacy? but that's the entire show, so....) Word Count: 1007
Title: Date Night Author: spatz Pairing/Characters: Finch/Reese (preslash) Rating: G Summary: John and Harold accidentally-on-purpose spy on Carter's date. Warnings: minor spoilers for 2x08 through 2x10 Word Count: 1546